Are you looking for a great ensemble musical to produce for your students or professionals? Link Theatrical is a company in the tradition of Tams Witmark or Music Theater International, but with a slight twist! Are you looking for something a little different, perhaps something a bit more creative than the usual Broadway fare? Well, you’ve come to the right spot! Check out our shows below. They are available to you to produce at your school, university, community theater or professional theater.
Trip the light fantastic with the Broadway musical, King of Hearts! Bring history to life with Sundown, the Musical — the story of the historic showdown at the OK Corral. Click the links or images below to find out more about licensing these productions.
“Now at Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam, King of Hearts is about the need for love, frivolity and grandeur. Simplicity and intimacy are recaptured with affection, authenticity and focus. The musical is pure romantic escape – into fantasy and into the fantastic…a celebratory rite of love’s redemptive power. Mr. Link’s music is a fusion of classical chorales, down-home American country style, French music hall and Viennese waltzes… Whatever may sound derivative dissolves into the ephemera of real charm and enchantment. It is worth investigating.”
Alvin Klein / The New York Times
“This show stands head and shoulders above any western-type musical I can remember, including such a favorite as Oklahoma. This play has several fantastic songs, probably the best of which is the first: Arizona Morning sung by Holliday (Hardy) and the ensemble. Other notable numbers include We Aint Never Had It So Good, Politickin, Bridges, sung by Kate, and Another Time, by Kate and Doc.”
Robert McKinney / Bristol Herald Courier