Seven Steps To Creating A Successful Benefit – Part 5


The Cost And The Profit

There seems to be a bit of a Catch 22 here. I need the funding to stimulate my cause, but don’t really have the money to produce the benefit in the necessary fashion to begin with.

What do I do?

We’ll work with you. For a normal webcast payment from you comes to us in three ways – a base rate of $500 per webcast, a projected count of $10 per person (non-refundable) upon the signing of your agreement, and a final tally of your per person attendance on the day after the webcast. We suggest you keep your initial projected count of $10 per person low and only count how many you absolutely know will attend to keep your upfront cost as low as possible. If more than your projected count show up, all the better. You can pay for the additionals on the day after the presentation.  For a benefit we’re also presently looking at accepting a small percentage rate of what you raise in addition to the above.

Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Benefit

Part 1: Producing A Benefit
Part 2: Your Audience
Part 3: The Professional Producer/Presenter
Part 4: Promoting Your Benefit
Part 6: The Benefit – More or Less
Part 7: The “It’s Time To Get Our Checkbook” Speech