Are You A Failure?

“No man is a failure who is enjoying life. – William Faulkner

Now here’s an Inspirational thought for the day.  At first glance it’s a simple truth, but upon deeper consideration might be considered in this day and age revolutionary – even un-American.

I have long been a proponent of this philosophy.  Having grown up and lived my life in show business, I have seen far too many good people crash and burn who missed the simple truth of this great lesson.

Ultimately, we’re here and then we’re gone.  Once we’re gone, what does it really matter how ‘successful’ we were while we were here?  How much money did you make?  How many awards did you win?  How high on the ladder were you able to climb?

If we have lived a life of joy then it strikes me that we could only spread that joy among the peoples of this earth and therefore help mankind.  Enjoying life is not, cannot be a singular experience.  Even a loner comes into contact, influences others, leaves his/her mark on the world.

Are you a happy person?  I ask myself that periodically.  It’s really my big test of my own success in life.  My reviews, great or horrible, fade quickly into the past and I’ve been pretty good at not giving them much credence to begin with.  I’ve learned to keep life even that way.

If you’re not going to pay much attention to the bad reviews, don’t think you can turn around and get too excited about the good ones either.  Life don’t work that way.  Keep each one in its place and you’ll live happier.  This goes for criticism and flattery as well, for those of you who don’t get reviewed.

It’s also why I don’t especially like watching award shows.  Simply put: Judge not.

No, my great test for success in life is happiness.  If I get to the point in life where I find myself unhappy more than 50% of the time then my red flags start popping up saying, “Time for a change!”  “You’re out of balance.”  That’s when I’ve learned to stop and rethink it all a bit because I don’t mind if I don’t have songs on top of the charts or hit shows this moment on Broadway or a multi-million dollar company to serve – as long as at the end of the day I can sit in my chair with a natural smile on my face, be with my family however large or small, and be grateful that I am enjoying my life whatever it is that I may be doing at the time.

Some people want so much more – they’re driven.  Well, I’m driven too – driven to enjoy life.

Won’t you join me?

For more inspirational music, thoughts and ideas from Peter Link,
please visit Watchfire Music.