Is Anybody Listening? — A Few Thoughts #6


Dear Friend,


Not difficult.

That’s right. The funding of this project should not be difficult.  The last thing in the world we’d want to do is strap anyone financially, but give this some thought:

We have a reach of about 50,000 people out there who communicate with us, follow us on some level or another and know about our work on various levels.

Of that 50,000 people, we count around 10,000 of them to be what’s now called “True Fans.”  In Internet jargon a true fan is “a term that describes a person’s loyalty to a team, individual, or product.”  Think: someone who consistently purchases our products, who writes in and praises or thanks us for our work, who promotes us on their own to their friends and family and who generally believe in what we are doing.

If each of these true fans gave $3, we’d meet our goal.  However, we have found through previous campaigns that most people are embarrassed to give a dollar or 3 or 5 or even 10.  So they don’t give at all.  Teenagers will give a dollar or $5, but more mature adults won’t. So we set the lowest funding possibility at $15.

If 2000 of these 10,000 true fans each gave $15, we’d meet goal.

If 1000 of these 10,000 true fans each gave $30, we’d meet goal.

If 500 of these 10,000 true fans each gave $60, we’d meet goal.

If 250 of these 10,000 true fans each gave $120, we’d meet goal.

The latter two seem to us to be the area of concentration.  And it’s why we write to you. Yes, to be one of those 250 or 500, but perhaps more importantly to identify someone or a few people in your life who might do the same and then turn them on to the project.

This all comes under the term “networking.”  Think of it as simply telling your friends of a good thing – something that can enrich their lives.

This is the kind of support we need.  We ask you to consider it.

Here’s the link: “Is Anybody Listening?”

Thanks for listening,


THANK YOU to those who have already funded our project.
We kept you on this list so that you can follow and/or spread the word.