Seven Steps To Creating A Successful Benefit – Part 2
Your Audience
My audience of potential donors is small and scattered around the globe. How do I reach them?
Most benefits only reach a local audience – those who are within driving distance of the venue and also happen to be free on that particular evening at that particular time. But what if your audience is bigger than that? What if your potential reach is world-wide? What if your potential donors are scattered around the country? Or what if they just happened to be traveling elsewhere on that particular evening?
Here’s how to go far beyond your usual local audience and reach people of interest around the world.
“Is Anybody Listening?” Webcast goes to them wherever they might be – anywhere in the world. It can play to groups or individual on their meeting houses or their living rooms. Additionally, when the webcast is presented, it is also recorded in its entirety at absolutely no extra cost and can be shown again and again to individuals and groups when needed.
Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Benefit
Part 1: Producing A Benefit
Part 3: The Professional Producer/Presenter
Part 4: Promoting Your Benefit
Part 5: The Cost And The Profit
Part 6: The Benefit – More or Less
Part 7: The “It’s Time To Get Our Checkbook” Speech