Seven Steps To Creating A Successful Benefit – Part 4
Promoting Your Benefit
Our organization has a strong and dedicated following, but we need to get them all under one roof at the same time. Promoting this event seems both expensive and time consuming.
Where do we start?
Most organizations have a tough time at promoting, advertising and audience development. Again, monies are spent where they don’t need to be spent and promotion opportunities are missed because the organization is not in the business of promoting. Also, the organization’s staff is too busy running the organization to do all the extra work of promoting the benefit properly.
An “Is Anybody Listening?” Webcast can be easily promoted through your emailing list and physical posters distributed in your community, but where our expertise really becomes effective is in our ability to promote through social media. As an example, if your organization has a Facebook page, we can help you design and expedite a very focused Facebook Ad campaign targeting your particular audience for your benefit. If you are interested in working with us in this capacity, we’ll be glad to offer professional services for your benefit ad campaign.
Also we recommend having at least 4 weeks lead-time where we will supply you with 6-8 professional email flyers promoting the various aspects of the Webcast and parceled out evenly over the 4 weeks. We’ll do the heavy lifting while you can just sit back and count the blessings!
Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Benefit
Part 1: Producing A Benefit
Part 2: Your Audience
Part 3: The Professional Producer/Presenter
Part 5: The Cost And The Profit
Part 6: The Benefit – More or Less
Part 7: The “It’s Time To Get Our Checkbook” Speech